Boy, it’s a hot minute since I’ve done one of these blogs and a lot of you have been asking if I would be getting back to writing these!  Well, I’m back for a bit since it is hurricane season.  Since my last blog, my team and I have done over 1300 marriage proposals since then ranging from all over Downtown Orlando to Universal Studios!  It was truly an honor being part of so many proposals and the first step of their journey to marriage!  But I figured I’d give you at least an update on my business and I couldn’t be more prouder! (Not to mention I just updated my website also!)

Anyways let’s get back to the main sauce, on why we are here.  A lot of clients like the ones we are going to feature today Vatsal, have asked me about proposing to his girlfriend Urvi at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  Often clients contact me, clueless about what he wanted to do and even where to do it.  Not to mention we also live in a world where Tiktok and IG Reels play a huge part on social media.  Vatsal mentioned he wanted a Tiktok video since we have made some in the past.  Well we definitely got him covered on every aspect from the location to the video.  He was also coming with a huge group of friends and family that would take part.

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

We suggested to Vatsal to propose at the bridge that connects to Jurassic Park.  At that bridge, we can guarantee a clean shot without people.  Once he arrived, he popped the question and the rest is history!

It was truly indeed an honor being part of their proposal and may their wedding planning begin! For now, enjoy this Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal!


Photographing Harry Potter proposals at Universal are always my favorite to do. I have now done over 300 Harry Potter Proposals in this park. #marriageproposal #universalorlando #harrypotterproposal #proposal #howtheyasked #shesaidyes

♬ Perfect – Ed Sheeran

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023

Wizarding World of Harry Potter Proposal 2023